“Šentprima is a small institution, resulting from the association Šent. The latter has a long tradition in Slovenia of certain services and programs in the field of problems of people with mental health problems. Even so Šentprima has a broad and diverse knowledge, which recognize virtually all stakeholders.
In any case, Šentprima at the national level is one of the most qualified organization for the vocational rehabilitation of people with mental health problems. It turn the other providers of vocational rehabilitation, when they need experience with this challenging population of users.
The assessment is conducted in an open and constructive dialogue with a clear focus on identifying opportunities for improvement. Through assessment we have established a high level of confidence, which is also the reason that the audit findings accepted.
We believe that successful Šentprima management system developed for the benefit of users and also to their own advantage.”
(T. Babnik, presojevalec za standard Equass Assurance)
ŠENTPRIMA – EQUASS Assurance certificate 2013-2015
ŠENTPRIMA – EQUASS Assurance certificate 2015-2017
ŠENTPRIMA – EQUASS Assurance certificate 2017-2019