00 386 1 530 07 14 EN IT

Šentprima – Institute for rehabilitation and education

About Šentprima

ŠENTPRIMA is private institution acting in the field of rehabilitation and education. In 2005 was founded by ŠENT – Slovenian Association for Mental Health.

We are high quality, effective and pervasive in areas: improving employability and equal employment of vulnerable groups – particularly people with mental health problems, the introduction of the Diversity of employment, the development of support services for social entrepreneurs.

Our services carry out at the following locations: Ljubljana, Koper, Postojna, Sežana.
Professional team is composed of experts from the fields of occupational medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, occupational therapy, education.

From 2013, we are holders of the European quality standard EQUASS Assurance.

We are signatories of Diversity Charter of Slovenia, since 2017.

Šentprima programs

  • vocational rehabilitation
  • supported employment
  • informing, counselling people with disabilities, employers, professional workers
  • educational programs for people with disabilities, employers, professional, workers
  • human resource management
  • development projects


Director: mag. Jana Ponikvar

Tel.:   00 386 1 530 07 14
Tel.:   00 386 30 644 677
Fax:   00 386 1 530 07 16
e-mail: info@sentprima.com